






對於我這種「識啲唔識啲」,而又好想認真學懂彈琴的,我深深感受到我確實需要老師給我指導,帶我入門。即使互聯網資源如何豐富,只靠自己揣摩研究的話,時遇無從下手、不得要領的情況。完成康文署鍵盤班之後,在網上遊弋的時間,主要花在看有關音樂教學的影片,最後覺得最合我口味、也最讓我「學到嘢」,就是《正式學琴!(一)》文中提到的「NiceChord好和弦」(國語),以及「Keith Sir 線上音樂教室」。Keith Sir 是香港人,語言親切已有優勢,他的公開教學影片,包括教結他和鋼琴的,我會挑一些喜歡的歌曲試著學彈,不過有時彈到有時彈不到。他有些影片會順帶宣傳他的教學中心,私人教授自然不便宜,但當我見到較近期影片推銷的「自學音樂套裝」,就來了興趣,想知道怎樣既能自學之餘,又能得到老師指點?最重要是價錢和內容合乎我的預期嗎?

這件事擱在心裡好一段日子,大概二月中,Keith Sir 以「免費線上音樂講座」作招徠,我傳了Whatsapp查詢,再跟他的admin多番溝通,詳細了解「自學套裝」及「線上課程」怎樣操作,感覺似乎正是我想要的東西,略一考慮便拍板決定購買了。到現在已經學了半年,我很慶幸,我沒有買錯,學習過程很快樂和滿足,而 Keith Sir 在我心目中,的確是一位好老師。


Tea and Sympathy

Written and sung by Janis Ian

I don't want to ride the milk train any more
I'll go to bed at nine, and waken with the dawn
And lunch at half past noon
Dinner prompt at five
The comfort of a few old friends long past their prime

Pass the tea and sympathy
For the good old days long gone
Let's drink a toast to those who most
Believe in what they've won
It's a long long time 'til morning
Plays wasted on the dawn
I'll not write another line,
For my true love is gone

And when the guests have done
I'll tidy up the room
I'll turn the covers down
And gazing at the moon
Will pray to go quite mad
And live in long ago
When you and I were one, so very long ago

Pass the tea and sympathy
For the good old days long gone
Let's drink a toast to those who most
Believe in what they've won
It's a long long time 'til morning
Plays wasted on the dawn
I'll not write another line,
For my true love is gone

And when I have no dreams
To give you any more,
I'll light a blazing fire
And wait within the door,
And throw my life away
"I wonder why?" they all will say
And now I lay me down to sleep,
Forever and a day

Pass the tea and sympathy
For the good old days are dead
Let's drink a toast to those who best
Survived the life they've led
It's a long long time 'til morning,
So build your fires high
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Forever by your side




